In the name of god” “

“Ava seday_e_ pezhvak” company has been founded in 2002 with the name of “Mehrali Industry” with the aim of producing audio products.

At the beginning, the company had been sold public audio and paging products with brand name of “Same” and had a long term vision plan for producing valid products.

The company have begun to produce conference systems with the brand name of “Same”, since 2007.

The company now has active agents and sale’s agents all over the country.

Consumers, agents and sale’s agents are part of the company and costumer-oriented strategy is the inseparable way of thinking in all of the employees.

Warranty for changing all of the conference products and the 10 years Guarantee indicate the quality of “Same” products.

Due to the full satisfaction of customers from the services and products, as well as the reliance on the knowledge, expertise and valuable experience of the company’s employees, this company has taken an important step in the production of equipment and the installation of audio and video systems and has tried to increase the knowledge and equipment updates in the way of globalization.